
Hover over the buttons below to see the four tooltips directions: top, right, bottom, and left. The data-placement attribute specifies the tooltip position.

Disabled elements

Elements with the disabled attribute aren’t interactive, meaning users cannot focus, hover, or click them to trigger a tooltip (or popover). As a workaround, you’ll want to trigger the tooltip from a wrapper <div> or <span>, ideally made keyboard-focusable using tabindex="0", and override the pointer-events on the disabled element.


Hover over the buttons below to see the four tooltips directions: top, right, bottom, and left Using background colors


Hover over the buttons below to see the four tooltips directions: top, right, bottom, and left Using Light background colors

Hover elements

Hover over the buttons below to see the tooltip.

Hover over me

Server360 Awesome Color

This color combo available inside whole template. You can change on your wish, Even you can create your own with limitless possibilities!

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